Featured Products

Paperless Products

Multifunctional Android electronic signature pads

Signature Pad 10.1" 

Signature Pad 5"

10.1 inch signature pad with Fingerprint and camare

For Government

Banks & Companies

For Government

Banks & Companies

For Government

Banks & Companies

For Government

Banks & Companies

We are leading developer and manufacture of the industry, bring new design every 3 months

We also have fingerprint certification, if you need more details, just feel free to contact us

Free SDK available for further developing, we have engineers to provid online assistance

If you need a premium signature pad, this is the best choice for you, with an HD camera and fingerprint recognition, and a built-in microphone.

About Us

Thank you for choosing our company as your provider of Carry products. We pride ourselves on offering high-quality commercial electronics that integrate the latest technology and ensure reliability. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to exceeding customer expectations and staying ahead of market trends. We take great pride in customizing solutions to meet specific requirements and have a strong history of delivering diverse products for enterprise-grade applications. Our unwavering commitment to excellence sets us apart.

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